Digital Marketing With AI Course
At RSI's Training Institute, we provide our students with the opportunity to learn how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to stay ahead in the field of digital marketing. With AI tools, our students can create unique campaigns and strategies that will give them an edge in the competitive digital marketing world. Our course equips you with the necessary skills to effectively use AI tools to maximize the success of your digital marketing campaigns.
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools Are Shaping the Future of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has been evolving rapidly with the integration of AI tools. AI can analyze large amounts of data much faster and more accurately than humans, enabling marketers to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.
As AI technologies continue to evolve and become more accessible, businesses are constantly looking for marketing professionals who can leverage these tools to gain insights into customer behavior, optimize marketing campaigns, and improve ROI.
Choosing Your Pathway
With our faculty and a comprehensive curriculum, you can learn the skills you need for the digital marketing landscape.
Upon completion of the below certifications:
Certified Digital Marketing Professional with AI Tools (CDMP#aitools);
Certified Digital Marketing Expert with AI Tools (CDME#aitools)
Professionals can demonstrate their proficiency in using these technologies to drive business results and differentiate themselves in a competitive job market.
We aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools to become an expert in the field. Each course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the digital marketing space, and our experienced staff is here to answer any questions you have.
Sign up for our Digital Marketing With AI Tools course today and take your career to the next level!


Content Management (2 days)
Course Overview: With Content Management System (CMS), you will be able to create, design, manage and publish web content aligned to your organizational branding to engage the right audience. Course Objectives: After the completion of the course, you will be able to maintain webpage content to ensure information is clear and logical. Learning Outcomes: 1.Creating webpage content on Content Management System (CMS) • Guidelines for web content development • Layout of website • Copyright and IP consideration • Get started to create web content on content management system(CMS) 2.Editing the webpage content to ensure accuracy and readability • Edit web content and features • Edit appearance using cascading style sheets (CSS) • Considerations of ease of viewing 3.Improving the webpage content to enhance user experience. • Improve webpage content organization and user experience • Privacy requirements Available Intake: Full-Time Course Duration: 2 days (16 hours)
Search Engine Optimisation With AI Tools (2 days)
Course Overview: This course covers various aspects of search engine optimization, focusing on the use of AI tools to improve website visibility and ranking. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of SEO strategies, keyword optimization, competitor analysis, and internet marketing trends. The course is designed to equip learners with the skills to implement effective SEO strategies using AI tools. Learning Objective: Apply Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tools and techniques for the organisation's digital assets and content across channels and recommend improvements for SEO efforts Learning Outcomes: 1. Review key performance indicators and perform keyword discovery, expansion, and optimization using AI tools for digital marketing channels 2. Research and analyze competitor advertising links, and conduct SEO analysis across various channels to evaluate search performance 3. Identify trends and developments in SEO, search engines, and internet marketing using AI tools, and coordinate with teams to optimize content creation 4. Prepare and implement internet search engine marketing strategies considering organization's SEO strategies Available Intake: Full Time Recommend Course Duration: 2 days (16 hrs) Instructional Methods: Classroom (8 hrs), Practice (6 hrs) Assessment Methods: Written Assessment (1 hr), Practical (1 hr)
Social Media Marketing (2 days)
This course aims to equip you with the knowledge and abilities to proactively seek and evaluate innovative marketing opportunities to enhance customer engagement while adhering to legal and ethical practices for use of social media. Learning Outcomes •Construct the objectives of a social media marketing campaign in according to the organisational needs •Implement social media marketing campaign in alignment to strategies, plan and budget •Discover and measure the performance of social media marketing campaign Available Intake: Full Time Course Duration: 2 days (16 Hours)
Digital Marketing Strategy with AI Tools (2 days)
Course Overview: This course covers the essential aspects of digital marketing strategies using AI tools to optimize performance and engage customers. You will explore various digital marketing channels, calculate ROI, develop content creation guidelines, and address privacy concerns while adapting to technological advances. Learning Objective: Evaluate performance of digital marketing channels and develop processes to create, integrate and improve digital marketing campaigns Learning Outcomes 1: Review key performance indicators and calculate ROI of customer acquisition tools and digital marketing channels 2: Develop processes to integrate online and traditional marketing campaigns and create content guidelines for target markets 3: Develop processes using AI tools to create a seamless online presence and engage with online customers 4: Develop organizational guidelines for privacy and appropriate use of personal data and adapt technological advances in digital marketing campaigns. Available Intake: Full Time Course Duration: 2 days (16 hrs) Instructional Methods: Classroom (8 hrs), Practice (6 hrs) Assessment Methods: Written Assessment (1 hr), Practical (1 hr)
Video Marketing with AI Tools (2 days)
Course Overview: This course explores various aspects of video marketing, including strategy translation, customer-centric information sharing, content creation, and the use of AI tools. You will gain hands-on experience in creating, curating and evaluating video content, with a focus on inbound marketing strategies. Learning Objective: Implement integrated inbound marketing strategies to attract prospects, manage the content creation and curation processes and review effectiveness of inbound marketing strategy implementation Learning Outcomes: 1. Translate inbound marketing strategy into action plans, and drive a customer-centric information sharing culture within the organisation 2. Recommend improvements for inbound marketing strategies, and manage the content creation and curation processes across platforms 3. Lead customers through decision processes and monitor the organisation's inbound marketing strategy effectiveness Available Intake: Full Time Course Duration: 2 days (16 hrs) Instructional Methods: Classroom (8 hrs), Practice (6 hrs) Assessment Methods: Written Assessment (1 hr), Practical (1 hr)
Digital Advertising and Analytics with AI Tools (2 days)
Course Overview: This course focuses on Google Ads and Meta Ads, covering essential aspects of digital advertising, analytics, and AI tools for content and ad generation. You will explore PPC functions, ad writing techniques, campaign management tools, and third-party technologies. The course is designed to empower learners to build profitable web marketing programs and monitor advertising profitability. Learning Objective: Manage, review and monitor the implementation of SEM strategies, establish targets for Paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaigns and programmes, conduct analysis on performance of SEM campaigns and recommend opportunities for improvement Learning Outcomes: 1. Build profitable web marketing programs and design ads by understanding Google Ads and Meta Ads characteristics, PPC functions, and campaign objectives 2. Monitor traffic quality, click-through rates, and conversion rates while identifying low performing ads and placements for profit maximization 3. Monitor advertising profitability and identify fraud using proprietary and AI-powered management software 4. Create competitor reports, manage display network placement lists, and conduct split testing using AI tools for content and ads generation Available Intake: Full Time Recommend Couse Duration: 2 days (16 hrs) Instructional Methods: Classroom (8 hrs), Practice (6 hrs) Assessment Methods: Written Assessment (1 hr), Practical (1 hr)